Sunday, October 30, 2011

24 weeks

This week marks 24 weeks into this pregnancy! WOW!! I can honestly say I'm starting to feel more and more pregnant and less and less of the second trimester wonderfulness! The size of my growing belly is no secret for sure! The lower back pain seems to catch up with me in the evenings and my hips are not loving the extra weight. Other than that I'm doing great. I could not be more lucky to have sweet Jaxson who loves to help and my sweet husband who is always helping. The other day I called Scott at home and said "hey I dropped the garage door opener between my legs and I can't bend over to reach it, can you open the garage for me"....yep that's a sign for sure of being 6 months pregnant!

Along with the 24 week check up comes our level 2 ultrasound. We were so excited for our ultrasound and another chance to get to see our sweet girl. When the nurse said she was head down I said "oh wow, well those must be her feet down there that I'm constantly feeling". She said no that's not likely her feet its probably her hands...but I was right! Our little one is curled up like you wouldn't believe! She had both of her hands and her feet up in front of her face...needless to say the nurse was surprised to see this! We got a good laugh! Our 3D pictures were not great...a bunch of hands, feet and a tiny little face but that's quite alright!

As part of the level 2 ultrasound they measure everything and review all of the development and location of the organs. This is to ensure that things are looking good and there's no need for concern. We were so happy to hear that she could not look more perfect! The next appointment includes my glucose test...I wonder if my craving for all things sugary and sweet will be a problem :)
I've seen my tummy move from the outside more and more but have yet to catch her in action for Scott or Jaxson to see. Now that she's over 12 inches and weighing in at 1.6 lbs I think she'll start to grow enough for us to see and feel the movement from the outside.

I have my c-section scheduled for February 8th...if I make it to that point we shall see. My baby center calendar tells me I have 108 days until my due date..which is really only 101 days until my c-section date since we scheduled this for day 1 of 39 weeks. WOW...when you look at it like that the time has sure gone by fast! We are so excited and blessed to have a good pregnancy so far and continue to pray for her health and mine for the remaining months!


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