Saturday, October 1, 2011

20 Weeks

I am 20 weeks pregnant and officially half way that is just crazy! I am totally loving the second trimester energy and even more loving feeling our sweet girl move. She is positioned at the back of my placenta, which overall really means nothing at all except when it comes to her movement. Instead of feeling her at the front right now I feel her more at the back- which is hard to explain. The nurse also said it could take a few extra weeks to feel her from the outside because of this, but not to worry we would feel her from the outside soon enough. So far she is a very active baby when she gets going and I really love laying in bed at night feeling her move, which seems to be her most active time of the day. In the words of the nurse I'm "making this look easy"...which is great to hear! My belly size, my weight gain and overall everything is just PERFECT! Music to my ears!!

The last four weeks have been filled with selling boy clothes and not a whole lot more. I have been very successful selling Jaxson's clothes and just have a few things left, which has been really encouraging. I have bought a few adorable things, excited family members have bought a lot of things and just a few days ago my mom and I hit up a consignment sale and made out big! Girl shopping is just SOOOO much fun!

We have also made one very important decision...her name! When we came to deciding on a girl name oddly enough it was kind of hard- isn't it funny how you go completely blank when you have to actually make a decision. We had a short list..slept on that list...and made a decision....


Ann is my middle name, part of my moms name and my dad's mom's middle name. I think its just perfect for her!

We have been nothing but smiles watching Jaxson grow on the idea of having a sister and getting excited right along with us. Almost daily he gives my belly a hug and will tickle her from the outside. Every night when we say prayers we thank God for Bailey and pray that she is healthy. The other night he leans in to me in a really sweet voice and says "and that she stays snugly and warm". He also told me the other day that she was talking to me and was telling me that I needed to feed her. It's so funny the stuff that he says! Just hearing him say her name and love on her from the outside makes me so excited to see him be a Big Brother!

The coming weeks will be very busy for us, but we do have some projects for the nursery lined up in all of that. I am so excited to see it all come together...while we do love pink for will not be the focal color of this room. That is one thing Scott and I both agree on. We have an adorable plan in mind and I can't wait to start piecing it together.


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