Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tommy Richter Scholarship Fundraiser

Yesterday we headed out to the big town of Industry, TX (pop. 303) for the Tommy Richter Scholarship Fundraiser in memory of Scott's uncle Tommy who passed away last year. There was a silent and live auction, kids auction and kids games and lots and lots of food. Every sweet lady with a gift in the kitchen cooked up the best dessert they could and brought it to the event. They were expecting around 750 people and I don't know what the final head count was but this thing was huge! The feature also was the antique cars and tractors, there were more than my camera lens could fit in one picture.

Jaxson was a little uncertain about the horses at first but by the end of the night he was asking for more rides- even without mom and dad by his side.

This week was a pretty big heat streak in Texas so there were a lot of sweaty bodies in the crowd. But that didn't send the crowd home, they stuck it out well into the evening I'm sure! It's amazing to see how little towns like that come together. I'd have to say it was a big success and I'm glad we were there to support the memory of Tommy Richter.


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