Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hodge Podge

This weekend was sort of a hodge podge of events, we really didn't have that much planned but like most weekends we managed to fill our days full of stuff and end Sunday night with a few things left un-done. In my free moments I filled my free time on a few crafts that I'm pretty pleased with.

I saw a shirt like this in a boutique for almost three times what I made it for.

This is a copy cat of the "taggie blanket" that is out on the market. I think it turned out super cute!! Jaxson is still a little stuck on the blankets he's always slept with but has managed to add this to the stack of blankets he piles on himself each night.

This is a placemat I made for Jaxson to help him learn where things go on the table and especially to help him learn where his cup belongs...not on the edge of the table waiting to fall off! We've had one meal with it and it was a huge success. I could have easily spent 5 minutes printing something off the computer and accomplished the same thing- but this was my plan and I was determined to finish it even if I spent way more time, sweat and yes...blood on it. Don't ask!

This weekend we also visited Rock 'n River Aquatic Center in Round Rock. It was the perfect pot for 100 degree temps in Texas! Jaxson was a little nervous at first with the splashing kids and water shooting everywhere. By the time we left he was a fish! There was a little shore that gradually got deeper and it was perfect for Jaxson to walk into the water by himself and have complete independence and control. He was floating on his belly, putting his head under the water and splashing all over the place. He of course did not want to leave....what two year old would!


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