Tuesday, December 15, 2015

November Happenings

I'm going to go back and hopefully catch up on all of the fun that we had in November. 
Bailey and Jaxson have so many great friends in the neighborhood and I love having their friends over to our house. I have to crack up at the differences between the two - here's Bailey and her friend Kinley tucked under a blanket reading to each other and then having a tea party picnic lunch in their princess dresses.
And then Jaxson's has his friend Jackson over and they play video games, see who can survive on the elliptical the longest and sit on balloons to see how long it takes for them to pop. These two are so different but I love having a house full of quiet or screaming kids- I just want them to have fun!
We went to see Zac Brown Band with our fabulous neighbors, the concert was so amazing and we are so lucky to have such great friends just a few steps from our front door.
On Veterans Day Jaxson class had "Bring a Vet to school" and Jaxson was lucky enough to have his Popo join his class to talk about his time as a Marine and in the Army Reserve. The kids loved having him there and he loved it just as much! They had these questions to ask him and one of them was- how did you communicate with your family when you were at war. He told them that he would write letters- I laughed so hard when this little girl turns to the person next to her and says "you know you write a letter with paper and pen" and goes into detail about it....like it was so foreign...which for these kids it probably is!
Jaxson played in a charity baseball tournament in the middle of November, I don't have any pictures of it but they did a great job. The week before they had several practices, one which landed on my birthday. So instead of sitting at home Bailey and I went for manicures and out to eat- she LOVES having her nails painted. She was so adorable and even sang happy birthday to me in the restaurant, she has such a big heart!
Scott brought home these beautiful flowers that he had made for me- so sweet! That weekend when we did go out to eat Bailey had to dress in her party outfit of course....as a princess! This is her new thing- its funny and cute! She loves birthdays and parties- she's already counting down to how many more birthdays there are until its her turn!
School pictures 2015 
We went to a Texas Stars game where they recognized Popo during the opening ceremonies for his service. Pretty cool to be part of that- and we were on the jumbo tron again!
We had a small Thanksgiving this year for a variety of reasons and we hosted. The kids and I had a great time decorating and of course really loved cooking! 
And last but not least- Nana made this adorable Hello Kitty dress for Bailey. If that smile doesn't tell it all- she is simply beyond excited about it! And of course the crown is on :) She's too much!
November was a fun and busy month- it always seems to go by way too fast!


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