Tuesday, December 15, 2015


We are so excited about our new addition to our four legged family- Lucy. She's a Shih Tzu Toy Poodle mix and was 9 weeks old when we got her. She belonged to a family in the neighborhood whose Chihuahua wasn't a fan of her joining their family so they had to get rid of her. I would have gotten rid of the Chihuahua before I would have gotten rid of this little cutie...but their loss was our gain. Our dogs are adjusting- Tanner doesn't really like anyone so he's not a good judge. Marley will let her jump on his face and bite his tail- but he's too old to play so he ignores her. She's a wild ball of fun! Its been 10 years since we had a puppy in the house- she actually runs for toys and enjoys playing...what a change!  She goes W-I-L-D playing and then when she's done she crashes hard- its hilarious to see her running around and then boom she's down- legs out and eyes closed!

 Bailey is constantly carrying her around everywhere and is madly in love with her! The other day I found Bailey had put Lucy's bed up on the chair and she was reading a book to her. SOOO cute!
The family who had her named her Princess- we decided a new name was certainly needed for her new family. The first night she came over to visit Jaxson tells me "Mom if we get that dog we need to give her a easier name- maybe something like Sarah". Too funny- I don't think he even knows a Sarah! After we named her Lucy he continued to get confused and would call her Sally- again a name I have no idea where he came up with!
She has certainly been a lot of fun to play with and is doing great adjusting to crate training.


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