Friday, November 25, 2011

28 Weeks

This week marks 28 weeks into this pregnancy...goodbye second trimester, hello third trimester! There are days when I'm feeling great, and there are days when I'm not. The lower pelvic pain and back pain can put me into quite the unflattering waddle. I'm certainly asking for more help and learning my limits..sometimes a little too late. The weekends are usually when I'm feeling the worst as I try to do way too much in one day. I've finally had to tell Scott to tell me to just quit trying to do it all and take more time to take it easy.

I had a great doctors appointment...I passed my glucose test! I honestly wasn't too worried, but being that it was just days before Thanksgiving feasts I certainly didn't want to fail. The high protein/low carb diet they had me on two days before certainly put a cramp into my meals...low thanks! This visit was with our doctor, who is just fantastic and so amazing! I was surprised by getting another ultrasound, while the pictures aren't great I sure do love every chance to peak in on our baby girl!

She is head down and bum right up on my ribs- which makes sense because frequently I feel out of breath. She's weighing in at 2lbs 13 oz, she doubled her size in the last month! The doctor said based on Jaxson being a healthy size, if she continues on this path we could possibly have another healthy sized baby. I'm sort of cringing at the idea of another 8lb baby and how GREAT (NOT!) that feels late into the pregnancy...but if she's healthy I will do whatever it takes! We scheduled our c-section for February 8th at 7am...bright and early! If you're a numbers person that is 75 days from today....ah yeah kind of crazy...and that's if I make it that long. I was 36 weeks and 6 days with Jaxson so in my mind I want to be ready early! This mama likes to be prepared and the days are slipping away so fast!
Bailey continues to be a very active baby and is now large enough that we can see and feel her movements from the outside. Yesterday I had Jaxson put his hand on my belly and he said he felt her move. Then five minutes later she wasn't moving and he said he felt her move not quite sure what he felt or didn't feel. He's always talking to my belly and its so cute to feel her respond by moving around when she hears his voice. He's going to be an amazing big brother and we can't wait to see his face when he finally gets to see her for the first time.
This next month will be very busy for us with the holidays and Jaxson's birthday. I'm looking forward to putting the finishing touches on her room, cleaning and hanging all of the adorable outfits and relaxing as much as I can. I feel like in a way this pregnancy has gone by so fast and I know this next four weeks will feel even faster. Yesterday as we celebrated Thanksgiving it was weird to think that would be our last Thanksgiving holiday as a family of three! We have so much to be thankful for this year and there is not a day that goes by that we aren't praising God for the gift of life in our sweet baby girl!


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