Sunday, August 7, 2011

12 weeks

I am 12 weeks pregnant this past week, what a huge milestone we have been waiting for! I feel like I have finally turned the corner on feeling horrible 24/7, which has been great! I'm still drinking a Coke a day to keep me from falling asleep at 6:30 at night, I'm tired but trying to not feel like a zombie. I told everyone at work that we were expecting and they have all been so wonderful! I've "popped" out quite a bit so there is no more trying to hide this bump!

I'm wearing a mix of maternity and non-maternity clothes, but everything is starting to feel very tight. I have a feeling I will have another basketball belly like I did with Jaxson. This past few weeks I've taken a craving to popcorn off and on- otherwise I pretty much eat whatever pops in my head that sounds good. I'm just thankful to be interested in eating at all these days!

(The baby's hand is in front of its face in this picture that's why it looks a little weird)

This past week we went for our 12 week checkup and had a great sonogram. Our new doctors office has amazing equipment so our experience was pretty awesome compared to the sonograms we had with Jaxson. This baby is VERY active!! The technician was having a hard time taking the measurements because the baby was moving around so much. The heart beat is still 169 and based on everything they checked the baby is progressing perfectly and looking wonderful! We are excited about our next appointment on the 31st where we find out if its a boy or girl. I can't wait for our next update :)


Anonymous August 8, 2011 at 2:49 PM  

With those fast heartbeats I’m thinking maybe girl?!

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