Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's a GIRL!!!!

Today we had our 16 week appointment and our gender ultrasound. I've lost a few hours of sleep due to the excitement leading up to this day! It honestly feels like we were just taking the test and just sitting in the waiting room for our first appointment...and here we are today, before we know it we'll be going in for our delivery!

I can't believe it...IT'S A GIRL!!!!

The added lines were for my clarification on what I was looking at...boys are very clear on what is there... much like a pregnancy test we were looking for the two lines. In the words of our fabulous doctor...we got the "Money Shot". Without a shadow of a doubt we have a beautiful girl coming to complete our family.

I feel completely overjoyed and blessed to have two perfect creations.... a boy and a girl! I've always thought I'd have two of each, not one of each. I haven't "suspected" anything or hoped for anything- healthy is all I wanted! She was so darn cute with her little hands up in front of her face again and moving them around together, these ultrasounds are such a blessing!

So this weekend while the testosterone is going strong with the kick off of football season, I will be tucked away peacefully sorting through the blue to put it up on Craigslist. I'm really going to have to pace myself on running out and getting a bunch of clothes but I'm really looking forward to getting the planning going for this little one!

So there you have it...the final Richter addition will be a GIRL!

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:17

Sunday, August 28, 2011

With the triple digit temps bringing us the hottest summer ever...we are finding inside ways to entertain.

Too bad his attention span is pretty short. Oh well we got a few cute paintings out of it.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Trophy

Yesterday we hosted a end of season T-ball party for the Sand Gnats. It was so fun to see the kids interact off the field. We had around 20 people here and we had plenty to keep them busy. This past week we bought a bounce house from some friends, which was a HUGE hit! There were plenty of race cars, monster trucks and boy toys to keep them all entertained when they didn't want to endure the 100+ degree temps! Another great reason for the party was to hand out the trophy's to the kids. They were all so proud of their trophy's! How cute are these kids!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

End of T-ball Season

Our first T-ball season has come to an end. This truly has been the highlight each week for Jaxson and he has really enjoyed playing on the team. The kids have been so fun to watch! From the first game to the last their interest, skills and attention span have taken a complete 180! Coach Scott did great and really enjoyed his time as Coach. While we will be taking a break for the fall season, we sure do look forward to to watching Jaxson grow in the sports that he loves so much in the many seasons ahead.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

12 weeks

I am 12 weeks pregnant this past week, what a huge milestone we have been waiting for! I feel like I have finally turned the corner on feeling horrible 24/7, which has been great! I'm still drinking a Coke a day to keep me from falling asleep at 6:30 at night, I'm tired but trying to not feel like a zombie. I told everyone at work that we were expecting and they have all been so wonderful! I've "popped" out quite a bit so there is no more trying to hide this bump!

I'm wearing a mix of maternity and non-maternity clothes, but everything is starting to feel very tight. I have a feeling I will have another basketball belly like I did with Jaxson. This past few weeks I've taken a craving to popcorn off and on- otherwise I pretty much eat whatever pops in my head that sounds good. I'm just thankful to be interested in eating at all these days!

(The baby's hand is in front of its face in this picture that's why it looks a little weird)

This past week we went for our 12 week checkup and had a great sonogram. Our new doctors office has amazing equipment so our experience was pretty awesome compared to the sonograms we had with Jaxson. This baby is VERY active!! The technician was having a hard time taking the measurements because the baby was moving around so much. The heart beat is still 169 and based on everything they checked the baby is progressing perfectly and looking wonderful! We are excited about our next appointment on the 31st where we find out if its a boy or girl. I can't wait for our next update :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Monster Jam!!

Jaxson and Daddy had a very special "date" the Monster Jam!! We have been so excited to tell Jaxson about his special day with Daddy and his excitement did not disappoint. He was on cloud 9!!

We got them special passes to go down into the Pit before the show started and get up close to the cars. Even more special is one of the drives signed a truck for Jaxson!

Their seats were perfect, right at the start where the trucks were doing their tricks!

Jaxson & Daddy had a great day today! I've really enjoyed Jaxson's version of the shows and watching Jaxson's excitement has been so much fun!

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