Friday, September 18, 2009

What a Deal!

I LOVE a good deal - and since bringing Jaxson in to this world, my search for a good deal is always on the top of my mind. So when I learned about this group called Fairy Tale Threads I knew this was just the event for me. What it is is a group that does a HUGE childrens consignment event every 6 months here in Round Rock. I've been to 3 events so far & scored big each time. Today I was lucky enough to go to the early viewing for new mom's- my friend Allie brought me along as her guest. This was perfect timing because all of the new moms were stocking up on infant toys and clothing- while I was in the bigger kids stuff scoping out a good deal! My mission was to get winter clothing for Jaxson & I found some super cute stuff!

I got 14 items- averaging around $5 an item. What a good deal!!


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