Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Festival

This afternoon Jaxson & I headed over to the festival at St. Thomas More and boy did he have fun! The petting zoo was a huge hit- getting to feed many different animals and even hold a few. He played several of the games - Go Fish, Football Toss, Milk Bottle Toss, Potty Toss (we heard a mom in line explain to her daughter that this was only a game and not something you do at home- important to note for sure!). A ride on the Choo-Choo train was lots of fun too- after seeing how fast it was going I was thankful that Bunca fit in the little car to ride along with Jaxson so I could take pictures. He was a little tense throughout the ride- but I think he enjoyed it. Sausage wraps, pretzels and several snow cones were a huge hit as well. He finished off the night by dancing with Nana and Bunca to the live band. By 8 o'clock his energy was spent and we called it a night- it sure was a lot of fun!


Anonymous September 20, 2009 at 12:23 PM  

What fun!

I'm curious, did the little chick survive?

Jaxson appears he is one happy little man.

I see Bunca got in the train.....did he get out of the train? Praise God for Nana and Bunca!

Michelle, we've got to get you in some of Jaxson's pictures......


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