Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Forms

Despite the rain most of the form for our slab has been installed - we are VERY excited!
This is a picture from the tree that is in front of our bathroom window looking over the form from that angle.

This is a picture from the side of the house- it was the easiest way to get the whole thing in the picture.

We are so excited to see some progress and change on the lot. October will be 1 year since we had this crazy idea to buy the land & start this project- as stressful and emotional as it has been we are very excited.

Did I mention that we are excited?


Hello- my name is Michelle, and I am a blogger addict.

I just noticed this morning that the blog I did was my blog #101! Wow- do I really have that much to say- NO.
Okay- I take a lot of pictures and want to share them- yep, that's it- I'm addicted to taking pictures.

Oh Rain

Rain, Rain go away
Come again another day
The Richters are trying to build a house
And rain you are just in the way!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Full Day

Today was a full day of FUN for Jaxson! He started off by a trip to the library where he "drove" a jeep while I picked out books. After a nap he headed over to his buddy James' birthday party. Jaxson and James are in the same class at school and he was going to have Tumblebus at his party! Tumblebus is something that Jaxson loves so he was ready to play when the big yellow bus pulled up.

He jumped in the ball pit

Climbed the wall

Swung on the rings

And tumbled his way around the bus of fun!

After the party we headed over to see Scott & Natalie who were in town and play with her neice Alana in the pool.

Now we're all going to have a good night sleep!

Friday, September 25, 2009


I LOVE taking pictures- I'm guilty of not being in pictures because I'm always behind the camera. The past couple of nights there have been some beautiful sunsets. Tonight while attempting to capture the sunset I caught two of my favorite people- resulting in probably my favorite picture ever.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Festival

This afternoon Jaxson & I headed over to the festival at St. Thomas More and boy did he have fun! The petting zoo was a huge hit- getting to feed many different animals and even hold a few. He played several of the games - Go Fish, Football Toss, Milk Bottle Toss, Potty Toss (we heard a mom in line explain to her daughter that this was only a game and not something you do at home- important to note for sure!). A ride on the Choo-Choo train was lots of fun too- after seeing how fast it was going I was thankful that Bunca fit in the little car to ride along with Jaxson so I could take pictures. He was a little tense throughout the ride- but I think he enjoyed it. Sausage wraps, pretzels and several snow cones were a huge hit as well. He finished off the night by dancing with Nana and Bunca to the live band. By 8 o'clock his energy was spent and we called it a night- it sure was a lot of fun!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Here we go....

Today we found out that we have been approved to begin building our house....you can't hear me but I'm screaming with excitement!!

What a Deal!

I LOVE a good deal - and since bringing Jaxson in to this world, my search for a good deal is always on the top of my mind. So when I learned about this group called Fairy Tale Threads I knew this was just the event for me. What it is is a group that does a HUGE childrens consignment event every 6 months here in Round Rock. I've been to 3 events so far & scored big each time. Today I was lucky enough to go to the early viewing for new mom's- my friend Allie brought me along as her guest. This was perfect timing because all of the new moms were stocking up on infant toys and clothing- while I was in the bigger kids stuff scoping out a good deal! My mission was to get winter clothing for Jaxson & I found some super cute stuff!

I got 14 items- averaging around $5 an item. What a good deal!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bath Time

Chipmunk Cheeks

Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

It started raining Friday morning & pretty much kept going strong until around 9ish on Saturday night! It was great to see signs of the drought ending & we sure did enjoy the temperature drop into the 70's! Jaxson showed he has no fear of getting out in the rain- no matter how hard its pouring down! This little man got soaked to the core & enjoyed every minute of it! He was not a happy camper when we made him come inside- seems the explaination "you have to come inside because you are wet" doesn't quite sink in with a toddler.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Say Cheese....

Who came with with the idea of "say cheese" when taking a picture? Even though I know I'll get this face....

I still tell him to "say cheese".

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First 100 Words Book & ABC's

This video is a little dark at the beginning- but Jaxson & I are reading his First 100 Words Book (this is recorded on my cell phone & half way through the video & audio don't seem to be going at the same time- but its too cute to not share)

Here Jaxson is singing along with ABC's

Monday, September 7, 2009


My sister Nikki is amazing- today she added another amazing accomplishment to her life by completing the Austin Triathlon! We sure enjoyed following her around this morning to the various points to cheer her on!

(I heard one of the medics say "they called a code 40- I don't know what a code 40 means" - lovely - whatever it was, there was no code 40 for Nikki! She smiled along the way and finished with perseverance- she is one AMAZING girl!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

College Football 2009

Scott waits in excitement with a daily countdown to the beginning of college football all year round- the beginning of football brings excitement to this man like a child opening birthday gifts. Today will be filled with as many hours of football as he can fit...and he couldn't be more happy to have a son to share these hours with.
Here's a few of their Texas A&M Football games together:

Jaxson was a couple of weeks old here

Almost a year ago- 9/20/08

Today 9/5/09

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Round Rock

Today Scott had a half day of work, when he picked up Jaxson from school they went over to the round rock...in Round Rock. Yes- for those of you who do not live in the area there is a "round rock" that the town gets its name from. Can you see the round rock in the sweet picture below?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Way Back WHENsday

Hardin Simmons University PT Locker Room
September, 2008

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