Tuesday, August 5, 2014

10 Year Anniversary trip....the finale

The morning of our 10 year anniversary was wonderful- coffee on the porch, watching the animals, a 5 course breakfast and time with my favorite guy ever!

The rest of the day was spent white water rafting- this is the only picture I have, but we have so many memories and great stories! The best story would have to be that we sat at the front- one of the rapids they said is best with two people perched on the tip of the raft. So Scott quickly volunteers us for that position- I was nervous and didn't want to do it at first, but I figured why not. The first dip into this rapid sent us flying back with a face full of water- it was AMAZING!! I loved the white water rafting, it was such a fun way to enjoy the day together and experience something new!
That night we went on the recommendation of the lady at the Inn to a nice restaurant for our anniversary dinner. Let's just say that her recommendation and our tastes aren't exactly on the same level.....
This fondue was good...but that was pretty much it :) So onto plan B....
We ended up at this cute Italian restaurant where we had some great drinks, dessert, great conversation with some new people we met and we laughed the night away enjoying our last night in Leavenworth. (Anniversary is misspelled in this picture- oops)
10 years later I am still as madly in love with this guy as the day I married him. I am blessed beyond belief to get to do life with him, to have two perfect children that have completed our family! We both look forward to coming home to each other at the end of the day-and know that despite what the day brings its all better when you are home! We could fill our days sitting around and sharing stories, enjoying a glass of wine on the porch while watching our kids and our dogs go crazy in the yard. Life with him never gets old and I look forward to the days when we are retired and we can just travel around doing road trips like this more often!
This was the best way to spend our 10 year anniversary and I am so thankful that we were able to enjoy this time together. The kids had a blast with Nana and Bunca and we are so grateful for their willingness to give us this time away to celebrate each other! Here's to MANY more years!!


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