Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Eleven Months Old!

Happy eleven months to our busy little Bailey!
Yep...it happened, we have hit the eleventh month and are officially on the fast track to having a one year old! OH MY!! This past month can be wrapped up in one word...busy. This little girl is a busy body. There is no tv show, toy or activity that can occupy her for an extended period of time. She's always on the go!
She is a dare devil and our little bruiser. She can take a fall like a boy and get up and keep on going. Daycare tells me they will watch her and expect a huge cry...nope, she's too busy to stop and cry!
We are filling these adorable cheeks with nothing but table food. That's right, at ten months old she decided she was big stuff and didn't want to have anything to do with the spoon. So we've been experimenting with all sorts of yummy food. Bailey, like Jaxson loves her fruits! She also loves to make a mess, and finish of a good meal by rubbing the mess on her hands all over her hair. She leaves no inch of her body untouched from the mess she has had for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Bailey hasn't picked up any words yet other than Mama, Dada and Bubba- but she has picked up some new sounds. She'll say "ooh" to everything, she especially loved the Christmas tree. She has started a little bit of "uh oh". She's constantly babbling and I'm sure once she does get those words figured out she will be giving us a earful. Scott is always saying that he can't wait for her to start talking. Her sweet little voice is just too precious!

Bailey not only got her two front teeth for Christmas...she got all four top teeth for Christmas! They took their sweet time and are still inching down one tooth at a time. Her big gummy smile will give you a peek every now and then of those white pearly teeth.
So far Bailey has had no interesting in walking on her own. In fact she isn't really interesting in walking with you while you are holding her fingers- honestly I think we aren't going fast enough for her and she figures she can get to where she wants to be on her knees. I'm telling you when this girl gets to walking she will probably just run everywhere. So far she's mastered the art of standing up on her own, which she is just fine with at the moment...and so are we.
We are so in love with our sweet cuddly Bailey. This first eleven months have been a blast and we can't wait to celebrate her big birthday this next month!


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